Wednesday, December 17, 2014

the fatal root.

Why can't I stop having sex? Why can't I stop cursing?! I don't know why can't stop lusting after that woman or man! Any of these sound familiar? 

When I was younger,  I spent my summers at my grandma's house. She stayed in a little house that had a lot of stray cats that loved to hang around the pouch and in her yard.Well every now and then we would we have a new cat that would come around. It would walk around the yard, scoping out the food that my grandma had thrown out,  but would get too close to the porch. It would hang on the side walk or in the drive way for a while because it wasn't comfortable enough to come to on the porch. But when we quit telling it to get away (or just being meddlesome and trying to scare it away), and the more my grandma starting feeding it, it felt more comfortable and before you know, BAM! It had made its way to the stoops on the porch. Just as comfortable as could be. It got to the point where we didn't even make note that it was there.

So, how comfortable is the sin in your life? Do you even recognize what it's doing to you? Y'all see how that cat just made its way to our front porch and stayed there. Do you see how easy it was? Sin is the same way. First it FASCINATES, then it ASSASSINATES.   All issues begin with small seeds. It takes a small seed of fornication to give birth to full blown lust. It takes a small seed of curiosity to give birth to full blown homosexuality. It takes one small seed y'all. ONE SEED is all it takes for a root to begin to form in your heart that will eventually start giving birth to full blown SIN.

But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. - James 1:14-15

This verse is one of my favorite verses in describing how sin works. First there is a desire.Once entertained, it takes a fatal root deep in within our hearts and a tree of sin forms; which will lead to death. AND far too often we think that if we just sorta pray it away or just forget about it... that we won't have to struggle with that sin anymore. NO! It's time to stop feeding that tree of sin in your heart!! It's time to stop trying to cover it with a band-aid when you know God needs to operate on it. When a person has cancer, they can't just put on a band-aid and hope to feel better soon! Doctors have to go and remove the tumor before it spreads. Only a trained physician that specializes in cancer can go in and safely remove that damage areas so that healing can begin...
& only the GREAT physician that knows your heart can go in and yank out that cancerous sin so that you can begin to produce life.

Being from the Auburn area, I remember when the Toomer's Oak Trees were poisoned. For a while after it happened, they had specialist monitoring the trees to see if it could produce life. Unfortunately, it didn't and the tree was already dying. Trees that we over 80 years old were killed by just a little poison. 

toomer's oaks, before they were cut down.

It time for some of us to POISON the roots of sin in our hearts. Worship is poison to our sin. Yes, worship is toxic. It takes us to another place with God where we become totally undone and he begins to strip us what does not look like him. When you get to another place with God, your appetite changes and you no longer desire the same things you use to once crave. I've see full blown homosexuals, sex addicts, drug addicts, fornicators, etc. turn away from that lifestyle after experiencing the presence of God.  The presence of God is so overwhelming. It so power that you're never same once you leave is presence. You're not the same person. 

We're talking about eternity. Heaven and Hell. It's time to get serious about overcoming sin and truly living for Christ. Here are some tips that helped me:

1. Repent. Like realllly repent and mean it!!! Tell God how you want to change and turn away from sin.

2. Quit entertaining the sin. You know sex before marriage is wrong. You know it. So why do you continue to let your boyfriend/girlfriend spend the night? Quit opening the door to sin. Stop putting yourself in situations where you could sin. Yes, the bible says that God will provide a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13), but for some of y'all that way of escape is not answering the phone when he/she calls. 

3. Lose the flesh. Our flesh gets us in a lot of trouble. In fact the bible tells us that if we live by the flesh, we will die. (Romans 8:13)
Stop acting in the flesh, renew your mind and start thinking with your spirit. When you're in a spirit mindset, things are so much more clear.(Romans 12:2)

4. Listen to your convictions. If you're having second thoughts, chances are you just shouldn't be doing it at all. The little voice that's making you rethink it the Holy Spirit. Listen to him and save yourself from lot of trouble.

So I challenge you, wherever you are to die to your flesh, kill that root of sin, and start truly living for Christ. I'm always available if you need me. <3.

Love youuuuu,

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Ocean Floor.

How could I be so stupid? Why did I do that? How could God still use me, look at what I've done? I'm just way too far from Christ to even get back right.

Any of these questions so familiar? Honestly, I've said them all. None of us have a squeaky clean past. We all have done things that we're not proud or ashamed of. After I got saved, asked for forgiveness of my sin, and truly started living for Christ, the enemy had a field day in my thoughts. "Remember when you did this? Remember when that was you acting like that? Remember when you dated them? Yeah, you're not really over that, you're still a sinner." He was reminding me of all this stuff that GOD has forgiven me from. It made NO sense. Why was I feeling guilty about stuff that I was forgiven from? I had not forgiven myself

This was me. A depressed mess. I mean, I thought I was saved. So, why was a struggling so hard to conquer certain sins? Maybe I really wasn't forgiven... 
A lot of my issues came from me not dealing with stuff. I would brush the embarrassing, shameful issues and problems to the back of my mind and just forget about them. I thought that not dealing with things was a way of healing. 

Boy was I WRONG. There was HOPE and there still is. Satan is the father of LIES, y'all. LIES. Nothing that come from his mouth produces life. He has come to DESTROY you, (John 10:10) and he will do so by any means necessary. First off, know that you are forgiven by Christ. The bible tells us in Psalms 103:12 that as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Still don't believe you're really forgiven? Isaiah 43:25 says that HE will blot our sins away for HIS OWN SAKE and will NEVER think of them AGAIN.

God forgives you, so why can't you forgive you? Maybe you're too ashamed that you had an abortion. or maybe embarrassed that you're no longer a virgin, or maybe you're gay and you think you always have to be that way. It's time to start dealing with these things so that can God carry you to the next level. In order for you to elevate, you have to separate! Separate yourself from your old life!! That life no longer defines you!! Cry out to Christ and then embrace his grace and forgiveness. Stop allowing your past sin affect you. The enemy no more control over your life. You belong to JESUS. and to my sister who feels like God just can't use her... Please know that God can have his way in your life when you surrender all to him. Your testimony is going to help and encourage others!!! God is waiting for you, stop running and rest in him. 

So sis, stop beating yourself up. No one is perfect. God is so faithful and can use you beyond all your slip ups and mess ups.

In the midst of living in sin, I ran across a quote that said, "I was loved in my darkest hour." God knew what he was doing when I ran across that quote because it was always on my mind. That even when I was rebelling again Christ, I was still loved! Christ STILL died for me knowing that I was gonna turn from him!! What love does that?! It was that same love that drew me closer to him and helped me learn to forgive myself. Christ will help you through it!!! My prayer through that entire season was that God would change my identity. I wanted God to transform me to look like him!! God take away anything that doesn't look like you!!! 

My prayer for you tonight is that you would see yourself the way that God sees you. Forgiven and Loved. I love the song lyric, "your sins are erased, they are no more, they're on the ocean floor." Stop beating yourself up sis. God is gonna use you in a mighty way. Leave your sins at that cross.

" and I'll look to the cross as my failure is lost, in the light of your glorious grace, so let the ruins come to life, in the beauty of your name. Rising up for the ashes, God forever you'll reign." - Hillsong United - Glorious Ruins.

I'm praying for y'all and I'm always here if you ever need anything.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Girl Behind the Veil.

“Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” – 2 Corinthians 3:16-17.

My relationship with God is like a marriage. Just as wives should submit to their husband, I submit to Christ (boy, is that tough). I've been in the season that is like pruning and preparation. God is preparing me for this next season of my life, and just like in school, I have to go through test to make sure that I am prepared to move on. Well, we all know that tests are NOT easy. Some are, but it seems like the ones that I have been going through are TOUGH. None the less, God revealed something to me this morning about this season of my life and why I'm still the girl behind the veil.

So God kinda spoke to me in two ways today. For the past few days, I've been waking up and feeling DOWN. There are times were I don't even want to get out of bed. I could not figure out WHY I was feeling this way. I wasn't depressed, or unhappy.. so what was it?! This morning I was feeling super sick and couldn't make it to church. I laid in bed and just listened to my worship music. Trying to find peace for my uneasiness. God very quickly revealed that I was allowing the enemy access to into my mind. I have very bad anxiety. I just don't rest well when I have things on my mind. My anxiety lately has been through the rough with school, some little health problems, and just life. I just was weary. My spirit was tired. The enemy gains entry into our mind when we forget or fail to believe that God is able. GOD IS ABLE.  He's not an inconsistent God, he's not man that he should LIE. We sure a God that is able to more than we could ever ask or imagine. He is ABLE. I can recall those mornings where I woke up feeling down, I went to sleep worrying about the same things I had just prayed about. I had convinced myself that I gave it God, but I was still trying to handle it. How could I forget that God was able?

I've been listening to a group called WorshipMob and there was section of the a song where one of the members quoted that "thank you Jesus for removing the veil that separated us for God." Today, as I  was listening to that song, I realized that I was pulling the veil back over my eyes. My anxiety was trying separate me from Christ. I say trying because it did not and WILL not succeed.  God's peace hit me like a ton a bricks today and he reminded me that he is God.. he is ABLE.  So today, the veil was lifted again and never again will allow anxiety to anything else to steal my peace. I feel amazing now.

So why am I sharing this? I'm glad you asked!!! (: My question to you is, are you still the girl behind the veil? See, when we accepted Christ into our hearts, the spirit of the living God came on the inside of us; and where the spirit of the Lord is... there IS freedom. Freedom from everything. That veil is now TORN. You are free from worry, sin, anxiety, whatever it is!! Sis, RELEASE IT. It's not ours anymore. You don't have to worry anymore! We are truly free.

So, no matter what you're going through, no matter how big or how small... remember that God can do it. God WILL do it. To my sis who is worrying, give it over to God. Truly surrender it all to him and watch the peace that he will give you instead. 

Allow God to give you beauty for ashes. 

Jesus lovess youuu,

Need prayer? To talk? I'm always here :)
email me at

Thursday, September 11, 2014


I have reached the conclusion that I am abnormal. 

I'm currently taking a class that is focused on making yourself better. We cover a variety of topics, some of which leave me looking real crazy. Our last topic helped me reach the conclusion, I am abnormal.

Our topic was sex. You can imagine how this conversation went being among college students. There were so many opinions shared, most of which I disagreed with. I felt SO uncomfortable. Not because people where talking about sex, but because of the lack of morals and standards of those who called themselves Christians. I sat there LOST and while my flesh was eager to speak, my attitude was not in check and it was not the time nor the place.


So, why do I think I'm abnormal? I'm a virgin by CHOICE. Not because I haven't found "Mr.Right" but because "Mr. Right" will NOT compromise my purity. Sex is for marriage.  Being a Christian and a follower of Christ, the word of God is very clear about sex and honoring your body. SO WHAT you're young and you want to experience life? The life you THINK you're experiencing is NOTHING like the life Christ can give you once you surrender it all to him. Not all college students are having sex. I have so many sisters in Christ who are celibate and choosing to honor God with their life and bodies in their college years. College is not the time for you to have sex and experience all  these things and then decide you're going to grow up. No sis, we're dealing with eternity. ETERNITY, like heaven or hell. Do you not realize that Jesus could come back at any moment? Or that you life could be over? Stop living for the moment. The excuse "I'm young and was trying to have fun" or "experience life before I settle down" will not work. God wants your YOUTH. Not only that, he wants your entire life . You can't live with one foot in the world and then acknowledge God every now and then. Let him use you in your college years!! You don't have to be like everyone else.  Be SET APART. 

I'm not embarrassed about being a virgin. I love being abnormal. When people find out that I am a virgin they always ask How have you made it this far?
Well, it was instilled in me that sex was for marriage at very young age. So I've always thought of it this way. I never veered from it. Was it tough? Absolutely! We live in sex craved world. You're relationship isn't thriving if you're not satisfying your boyfriend. No one thinks about the fact that sex ties two people together. Sex ties MARRIED couples together. I'm a firm believer in soul ties.When you sleep with person, your soul is know tied with them. You have deposited a piece of yourself into them and vice versa. What's the point of creating soul ties with man who you're not even legally tied to? Instant pleasure? Just because you can? No sis, please hear it from me if you hear from NO ONE ELSE, you are worth MARRIAGE. YES, BOO, MARRIAGE. Forget waiting 90 days and lets discuss that for a minute. Baby... you're worth so much more than 90 days. This rule says a man has to "prove himself worthy of the cookie" for 90 days before a woman should be sexual with him. Absolutely not, sis. Don't place a limit on yourself. You are worth marriage and your Adam will know that and will not compromise that.

Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. 
- 1 Corinthians 6:18

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

I heard Cornelius Lindsey say that "We believe we can do all things through Christ except stop sinning." We believe we can pass that test, or get through that situation, yet can't quit sinning. I think the truth is, we believe we can do it, we just chose not to. Because it feels good right now.  YOU CAN DO THIS.  Be bold, step out an honor God with your body and life. Be abnormal.

Now, don't think I'm judging or bashing you because you've had sex or having sex. But what am I challenging you to be the wholesome woman God has called you to be. Be holy. The TOTAL opposite of society's idea of normal. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wait, I'm not ready...

Can I be transparent? I don't like talking about stuff like this, but I definitely feel lead to share.

I go through these weird stages in life where I feel like I'm in a fog. Kinda like, I'm here, but I'm not here, if that makes sense. Just going through life... going through the motions. I don't like talking about it much because I use to feel like I can't let me people know that I struggle. I had to hold this mask up so that people thought that I had it all together. Well, let me be the first to say that I definitely don't have it all together. I'm a mess... a broken BEAUTIFUL mess. A mess that God took under his wing and loved back to life. Once the mask came off, it became clearer areas that needed work. That mask to hide temptation struggles, depressive thoughts, and lack of joy was the enemy was of trying to make me forget those things existed. Like if I covered those things up and smiled like everything was okay it would magically disappear. He is a DECEIVER, y'all. But when you realize that you have authority over the enemy and you USE it... things get better.

Starting Pinky Promise was the best thing I've ever done. I get to see God work in ways I've never dreamed of. I've see women restored in joy, peace, etc. I've see God tug at hearts and draw his daughters back close to him. I am truly and totally amazed at the times we sit and encounter God. It brings me so much to God work in the lives of his daughters. Women of all types...who don't have it all together, just seeking a better relationship with Christ.

As I said earlier, I don't have it all together. I use to think that if I shared the fact that I was struggling with a particular thing or feeling, I would get judged. Y'all know how folks talk, "Ooo, she gotta problem with ______". So I kept it all in hopes of maintaining my "good Christian girl image". But the truth is, masks come off and expose what's on the inside. Eventually, in a lot of tears and thoughts, it begin to come out. All those feelings of self doubt and fear were right there and I had a choice, capture it or let it capture me. Where in the bible does it tell me I have to be perfect or have it all together? So it was time to capture these things that were not of God. I had to remind myself of a few things:
1) Where God guides, he provides. I wouldn't have been lead to this place of my life if God would have equipped me to do his work.
2) God does not called the qualified, he qualifies the called.
3) Not feeling ready isn't an excuse to not do what I am called to do.

So, truth is, you don't have it all together for God to use you. In fact, we will never have it all together. Philippians 1:6 says that we are a work in progress until the return of Christ Jesus.

If I could encourage someone right now... Don't let the fact the you feel like you're not ready keep you from walking into the call God has on your life. If you know some of my testimony, you know that felt like I wasn't "saved" enough to start and lead a ministry. But, guess what, God saw what I didn't see!! He saw past all that negativity! God is going to be with you through the whole thing. All he wants is effort. Do what he is calling you to do. He's not gonna call you to do something and then leave you to do it alone. He's gonna help you!!! Believe me!! He will never leave you nor will forsake you. God wants to use your brokenness... your hurt...your insecurities. Let that draw you closer to Christ. He's waiting on you... run back into his arms.

So what am I saying? It's okay to be imperfect because it's impossible to be perfect. Take off the mask. We all struggle... but God is still good and perfect. Strive to be more like Jesus in everything you do. Draw near to him... not away. Get some accountability in your life. I have some amazing friends that are ready to pray whenever I need it. They are there to listen and give me some biblical advice and insight. Get you some praying girlfriends!! If you don't have someone to pray for you... I will be that friend!! I love to pray, lol. 

I love you ladies,

Friday, August 22, 2014

I will call upon your name...

What a week. I have just begin my THIRD year of college and I am totally loving it. Through it all, God has just definitely been busy dealing with me and teaching me to trust. Particularly, beyond my comfort zone. If you read my blogs, you know that I talked about how I asked for this season. A season where God taught me to trust him. Honestly, this has been the hardest season. Now I'm not complaining!! Sometimes, growth isn't the most pleasant thing to endure, but it's necessary. 

Typical first day of school picture, lol.

This past week it's like I had series of test. It started with financial issues in affording some of my books. If you know anything about college, you know that books are so expensive, and I really needed this particular book before classes started. I freaked out for a little while until the Holy Spirit checked me. Where was my faith? So, I quit worrying. I told God, just have your way. Do what YOU will. 

A few days later, a young lady gave me the book I needed for no cost. 

So after that moment, a had other several other issues come up.  I'm telling y'all it was like every time I thought I had my life in order, something else would happen. I was discouraged! I would think to myself, what is going on?! Am I just not focused? Am I doing something wrong? But I was instantly reminded of one of my favorite songs. Oceans by Hillsong.

"I will call upon your name and keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace, for I am yours and you are mine."

It hit me. There God was ministering to me in one line of a song. I am HIS and he is MINE. This statement remains true even if my world is falling, I feel hopeless, scared, discouraged, lost, WHATEVER the case may be. I am his. I am his child. He will PROTECT me. 

"Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him because he acknowledges my name." Psalms 91:14

How could I have lost sight of the fact that I belong to Jesus? When you begin to focus more on this issue, rather than the problem solver, that can happen. When we refocus on Jesus and "keep our eyes above the waves" regardless of how big the storm is... we realize just how safe we are. Isn't it amazing to know that you don't go through storms alone? There's a man who's right here holding you hand the entire way through. It's amazing to know that even though the storm is racing over us and it looks like we're not gonna get through it, God's peace is hovering over us. God is saying, do you trust me? Do you trust me even through it looks like you may not make ? Do you trust me even though what I'm asking you to do feels uncomfortable? Do you trust even though it may hurt? Man, if we could only see what was on the other side of our obedience. If we could only see what lies ahead if we could just push through the fear of failure and the unknown. 

Release the fear. Trust God. 


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Abandoned First Love.

"But I have this [one charge to make] against you: that you have left (abandoned) the love that you had at first [you have deserted me, your first love]." - Revelation 2:4

Have you ever been lost in life? I mean so lost! Like you're wondering around with no purpose, no drive, nothing at all. I recall spring 2013 where I was absolutely lost. I was wondering around trying to find purpose, love, and validity in worldly things. I had abandoned my first love. I had TURNED my back on God looking for CONTENTMENT in this world.

As I have began to prepare for this semester of Pinky Promise, I was drafting our first message during my quiet time. As I begin to write, I realized that I was preaching to myself and the Holy Spirit starting calling out areas of my life where I had once pulled away from God's love. I was shocked. Did I really think I could make it in life walking around empty and LEAVING the love that created me and replacing it with temporary MESS? Yes. Yes I did. See I thought that if I could keep myself busy with school I would be fine. I though that wearing the smallest, tightest, most revealing clothes for the attention I would feel better! But the truth is sis, nothing made me feel better. In the middle of party with my outfit on looking and feeling cute, I feel empty on the inside. I was dressed up on the outside and broken on the inside.

 I learned soon after that nothing can replace the love that Christ has for you or me. As far as I ran from God, his love was still constant. You can try and fill it up with randoms, sex, alcohol, and even school, but nothing with ever satisfy you but HIM. All those things eventually end. Stop running. Stop it. He wants you back.

My heart is heavy for my sisters who feel like that don't deserve God's love anymore. The ones who feel like the abortion, the rape, the abuse, the divorce, or something traumatic has separated them from God's love, so they're living in the pain of the past. Life happens sis. But don't let the pain turn you away from God. Stop wondering through life feeling empty and looking for something or someone to fill you up. The truth is sis, that man you think completes you is temporary, that bottle of liquor you're drinking will only last for so long, that high you're feeling will be gone soon. God is saying RETURN TO ME. I love you. I created you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are not a mistake. That abortion, that pain, that emptiness does not define you. Abandon your fear and come back into the arms of love. I love you, allow me to heal you. I won't leave you like these temporary things. 

His ways are perfect girl. HIS LOVE IS THE ONLY LOVE THAT CAN HEAL YOU. Return back to him, sis. Return his arms of love. That will heal and restore you. That tragic event doesn't have to define you anymore. God defines you. Stop listening to the lies of the world and start speaking the word of God over your life. God makes broken things beautiful. His love never fails. 

you. are. loved.
you. are. forgiven.
you. are. beautiful.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

'Tis the Season to be JOLLY.

I don’t know about y’all, but lately I’ve been so tired. Straight up, exhausted! However, the Lord spoke to me earlier and told me that I needed to blog on SEASONS and the one I have recently entered.

I’ve entered into this quiet season of my life where it seems like God has me on the DND mode. Not get me wrong, I KNOW that God isn’t ignoring me, it just feels like not really talking to me much. This season begin probably about a month ago. Once school ended and I conquered a pretty tough class thing were going great. Then it seemed like God just kinda got quiet. During this time I had a few pretty good quiet times but then it seemed like I just wasn’t getting the same feeling once it was over.  I thought over and over what I could be doing wrong. Was it the version of the bible I was reading? Was it the way and time I chose to have quiet time? WHAT WAS IT?! All while this is going on, I had a tough decision to make and attacks from enemy were finding me left and right. I really needed to hear from God but it seemed like he was hiding from me.

I was reminded last night that I asked for this season.  Now, I didn’t say “Lord, make things hard for me and then ignore me when I pray.”  I asked God to teach me to trust him.  A few months ago, he showed me that I didn’t fully trust him and of course, I needed to work on that.  On May 24th, I wrote in my journal,“ Lord, teach me to trust you just as Abraham did with his only son. I want to be so deeply in love and focused on you that I’d do anything for you. Strip me of anything that is distracting. Increase and I will decrease."  I just want more of God.

That was it. God is giving me exactly what I asked for. I asked him to help me learn to to trust him and that is what he is doing. I was lead to read Genesis 22 and the story of Abraham and Isaac. God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son.  Abraham was obedient and took his son to the place where God told him about and just as he was about to slay his son, and angel appeared and said “Abraham! Abraham! Do not lay a hand on the boy, do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear the God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” (Genesis 22:11-12) He trusted God. He trusted God with everything in him.

After reading the story, I realized that I need to take the limits off God. I needed to remove the boundaries and trust him every area of my life. As I progress through this season, I can’t help but be thankful. Thankful that even though things are far from perfect and I may feel a little lost, God is teaching me to trust him, even though I can’t trace him. I could have easily gone back to my old lifestyle when this test came over me. I could have easily called my best friend and complained, or got on twitter and gone on a rant. But instead, I’m taking this as a learning experience. I am choosing to pass this test and draw closer to him. And don’t get me wrong, this is NOT easy. Going through trials are not supposed to be fun. But I have a decision, I can either pout or praise.  I can let the enemy trick me and fall into his lies or can praise God despite how crazy things may seem. And as
much I feel weary and tired, sis, I am reminded in Galatians 6 that I will reap a harvest if I don’t give up.  

So sis, if you’re in the same season as I am, keep pressing through this quiet season with me. Perhaps God is teaching you to trust him. As crazy as it may sound, God is still here. Even now as I’m writing, I feel his presence. Don’t think for moment that he has left you. Don’t think that he is ignoring you. I see quotes all the time that says “teachers are always quiet during tests.” And it's true. Eventually, we’re gonna have to pass these test on our own and stop relying on others to help get us through.  It’s easy to say you trust God when everything is great! Rent paid, boyfriend is great, family is good, grades good, etc.  But can say it and MEAN it when all hell is breaking lose in your life? Can you say it when your family is falling apart, friendships are diminishing, your money is funny, etc.?

Ask God to teach you to trust him. Learn to leave it all in his hands. Stop worrying. This season is necessary. We MUST go through in order to get the next season. Don't rush it, don't try to avoid it, just trust God through it. Trust the process.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Still Fighting.

Good Evening, I hope everyone is having a great day!!! Happy SUMMER :)

Last night, I had an AMAZING quiet time. I've been doing a Psalm's study where I read and study a few Psalm's each night. Well, last night was awesome and of course, I HAD to share.

Last night, as I studied Psalm's 18, God dropped in my spirit, "the enemies you fight aren't always humans." An enemy is someone/thing that is against you. It doesn't want to see you go forward. I've felt in my spirit for a while that someone of you are dealing with hurt, the spirit of depression and suicidal thoughts. I tell girls this all the time, you are NOT a product of depression. Your father is NOT the author of depression. Satan created that mess. He has come to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY. (John 10:10) He wants to steal your joy, he wants to kill your happiness, and destroy your peace of mind. But sis, let me tell you, don't let that spirit of depression or whatever enemy you're fighting take you out. Keep fighting. Put on the full armor of God and fight this fight. When you feel like you're drowning and like nothing is getting better, know that God can and will pull you out of the deep waters. (Psalm 18:16) Don't let the enemy trick you and make you think that this the end for you. The Lord DELIGHTS in you. He loves you so much. He WANTS to see you full of joy and free from those enemies that want to take you out.  What are you fighting? Is it lust? Anger? Unforgiveness? Whatever it is, keep fighting. Allow God to help you. 

"I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. I crushed them so that they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet." Psalm 18:37-38. When you take control over something that has been controlling you, it feels so good. When you conquer that enemy, you feel victorious and God enables you to help others who are going through the same situation. Don't be ashamed of the enemies you've destroyed. God could have left you alone. He could have said, "I'm gonna let her fight by herself." But because he loves you and because you're his child, he chose to save you.  Your enemies will NOT take you out. 

I'll leave you with this video called "God could have left Job alone." It's the perfect video about he God could have forgotten about Job, but chose to rescue him.

If you ever need prayer, to talk, or anything, feel free to contact me. My contact form is to the right. (:


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Step ONE... THEN step TWO.

All through grade school, students who didn’t get their lesson had to get held back. I remember this around kindergarten through about the second grade. For whatever reasons, students didn’t get their lesson and had to get held back in that grade until they got the information they needed. It was sad to see them stay behind and as much as they wanted to move forward, they couldn’t until where fully prepared for the next grade. This scenario happens a lot in our walk with Christ. We want STEP TEN without passing through the FIRST STEP. We aren’t prepared for step ten! A lot of our step one is spending time with Christ. When you spend time with Christ, he can reveal things to you and show you what you need to be doing and things you need to change.

Ex. You can’t expect God to bless you with a new job and you have a nasty attitude toward everyone. Spending time with God will show you that you need to need have an attitude to check because it’s hindering you from progressing forward.

See, we can’t expect to advance in our lives if we keep stumbling and failing every test that is presented toward us. I remember when I wanted to be in a relationship and I was always saying “God has the perfect man for me; I just have to be patient.” Yeah, that’s true, but what are you doing while you’re waiting? Are entertaining a guy who you KNOW you don’t need to be with? Having sex outside of marriage? Going to the club with all your goodies hanging out? Or are you spending time with Christ and allowing him to be your focus? What are you choosing do while you wait?

How we expect God to send us a man and we’re running around here entertaining and FLIRTING with sin? You’re not passing the test. So often we just expect the reward without doing the work. I am currently single and believing God for my Adam. While I am waiting, I’m choosing to be obedient and do what he says so that when my Adam wakes up, I recognize him!!! I’d be lying if I told you that at times it didn’t get difficult and that I don’t get tempted. But each time I chose to pass the test because I KNOW that I have to allow this time to prepare me for what is to come. For me, my step one is strengthening my relationship with Christ. I can’t properly be led by my potential husband if I can’t even be led by Christ. When your focus is Christ, you don’t have time to focus on what you think you need. It teaches you contentment.

An area of my life where I am truly learning to trust the process is in ministry. When I first started, I knew I wanted to speak to other women in various places, not just in Troy. But first, I had to pass step one- being intentional about my walk with Christ. Making an effort each day to have quiet time no matter how tired I was. Once I passed step one, I progressed to starting a Pinky Promise Chapter at Troy University, which was my step two. It wasn’t easy to get to that place though, I had several test throughout this entire journey! But if didn’t learn nothing else, it was to trust God. Trust him even though I can’t see what’s ahead. Trust him when I can’t see how something is going to work. You have to TRUST the process. It doesn’t always feel good, but it’s necessary. When I got quiet before the Lord before I started Pinky Promise, the Lord checked me about my friends and my attitude. Did it feel good to leave certain friend behind and love them from a distance? HECK NO. Was it easy when I had to bite my tongue and not go off on people? HECK NO. But it was VITAL that I did these things.

John 15:2 says that “he cut off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it can be even more fruitful.”

I encourage you to spend some time before the Lord and allow him to prune you and get you ready for your step 2. Don’t expect the reward without the work. Be obedient. Spend time with the Father. Allow him to help you. Trust the process, God is going to finish what he started! He will NEVER leave you.

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to the completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 1:6 

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” – Hebrews 13:5

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Better Days.


 I see people talk about how they are "praying for better days", but still continue to do the same things over and over again. You can't pray for change and not be willing to change. Your surroundings have huge impact you on. If you're hanging around drama and mess, then eventually, you start blending in with your surroundings. You'll always be in the center of mess and secretly wishing you had better friends. Do you not see that it is YOU who needs to change? We're always so quick to tell other people what they should do, but yet and still, we don't even look in the mirror to check ourselves. We blame everyone else for what's going WRONG in our lives. Sis, it's time to go after your better days. Stop WALLOWING in your mess and change up your surroundings. Sometimes, you have to go through a season where you pull away from everything and allow God to do some cleaning. Of course, it doesn't feel good, but it's so necessary.

Don't let your surroundings keep you from where God wants you to be. See, I've learned that we stand in the way of your blessings. We do our OWN thing, in own MESS and the wonder where God is. God can't bless a mess. We create our own storms and then expect God to rescue us from something he NEVER told us to do. When I was living for the world, I would be in relationships and friendships where I would get hurt over and over again. It was like a never ending cycle, hop into a relationship, enjoyed the initial thrill, get hurt, and then do it all over again. Eventually, I had to learn that I was getting into thing God never told me to get into. I was creating my own storm.  We decided to get quiet before the Lord and get my life in order, God started showing not only people I needed to stop associating with, but what I needed to change. Take sometime and allow God to change you. Don't let your pride stand in the way of your blessings. Check your friends and check your surroundings. Surround yourself with people who are serious about their relationship with Christ. Women who are not about mess and drama and just trying to be obedient to Christ.

"Be not deceived,evil communications corrupt good manners." - 1 Corinthians 15:33. 

If your friends can't support your relationship with Christ,encourage to resist temptation and you to do the right things, then it's time to change up your friends. FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS GO TO HELL. So let's choose our friends wisely are the surroundings we allow ourselves to be in. Be spirit lead!!! If you wouldn't take God, then DON'T GO. 

 Love y'all.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Lord, Empty me.

Over the past few weeks, my life has been so hectic. I had HUGE anatomy test this past Thursday and needless to say, I was a tad stressed and needed to be refreshed. So I went home this weekend and was able to breathe for a little while. On Sunday as I headed back to school, God told me that it was time to take a break from Twitter. I was like God, you want me to do it today? o_O However I was obedient and removed the app from all my devices. As I laid down Sunday night, I was lead to read Luke 10:2-4. After I read it several times, I finally understood what God was telling me; it's time to let go.

He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Do not take a purse or bad or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road." 

God has a very specific place for all of us. We know that he has great plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11), so we go through life believing and trusting that even though things get rough, God's plans are still great. But do we ever think about how sometimes we make our own journey rough? Sunday night, God told me that he has a specific place for me to go, but I can't keep trying to drag unneeded things on this journey that HE is leading. It's like trying to walk with hundreds of bags in your hand. When you carrying things AND trying to progress forward, it gets tough. The same thing goes for getting where GOD wants you to be. You can't try to carry everything from your past into your future. I have learned that on this journey that I can't take certain friendships with me.Why? Because not everyone understands MY calling. Everyone isn't equipped to go where God is taking me. And I'm not sure who I'm speaking to, but it's okay to distance yourself from certain people. God has already equipped you with everything you need to get to where HE is taking you. All the extra-ness will WEIGH YOU DOWN.

Secondly, you have to check yourself. Sometimes we keep ourselves from moving forward. We're too busy holding on to the fact that we think we CAN'T do it. Just because it looks impossible, doesn't me that it is! Don't trust what you can see, TRUST GOD. PERIOD. I always tell my girls in my Pinky Promise group to check their thoughts! (2 Corinthians 10:5) Make sure what you're thinking LINES UP with what the word says your thoughts should consist of. (Philippians 4:8) Our God is NOT a God of CONFUSION or DOUBT.  I once heard someone say that our imagination is the biggest nation we'll ever fight. When God told me start the Pinky Promise group here at my University, I was like... um yeah, I like the idea and all, but I can't do it. I was a "baby Christian"  and I didn't think that I was "qualified" enough to lead ministry. I was allowing my thoughts to determine how I reacted. "How could go use someone like me?" But in reality, how could he not? I have something that someone needs to here. I am an example of God's love, mercy, and deliverance. Once I got control of those thoughts, I was able to get to this place where I am right now. 

So right now, DROP THE BAGGAGE. Leave it at the feet of Jesus. Get to the place where God wants you to be. His plans for you are SO amazing. Take some time and allow him to show you what you need to EVICT from your life so you can totally available to him (:

"Lord empty me, take out everything not like you, everything in my life not pleasing you, please take it away so I can be all yours." - James Fortune. 

Court. <3.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Where's Adam?

Well, we're approaching another Valentines Day and I can truly say that I am single and SO excited. I entered my single season in August of 2013. During this season, I chose to get closer to God and learn more about myself. You'll be surprised what you learn about yourself when it's just you. Now, when I say single season, I mean truly single. There was no having texting buddies because I was bored, no just in case guy friends, none of that. It is amazing y'all because you learn the type of man GOD wants you to have. Yeah, you know what you want, but does it line up with what God wants? But most of all, during this season God fills your empty void. If you allow God to fill up that void,  you will never God empty again and you will realize that you deserve the best, not just some quick fling.

Sis, you are worth more than a quick fling. You're worth more than some random. Now, what is random? "A random is someone who's just taking up space and you don't see marriage in your future." - Heather Lindsey. 

STOP SETTLING. I had a talk with some of my sisters in Christ and this conversation made all of us realize that we as women have got to do better. We're settling for baby mama, long-term girl friend, and "side-chicks". You are a daughter of the King, you deserve only the best and the highest title. Not a man who ISN'T on the same page with you and doesn't bring out the best in you. Stop settling for Ishmael when God has Isaac prepared for you. Yeah, Ishmael looks good, but remember that just because it seems good and looks good, doesn't mean it's good for you. And I'll even add this... Just because it looks good... doesn't mean you need to pursue it. The bible says, HE that FINDS a wife, FINDS a good thing. Not, SHE that FINDS a husband, finds a good thing. Trust me when I say, when you're full God, confidence, and KNOW your worth, you won't settle. You'll know when you're approached by an "Ishmael" and not an Isaac. 

During your single season, God molds you into the wife of the husband you want. You can't ask God for a Godly man if you're not the Godly woman that completes him. I love the way Heather Lindsey puts it. When God made woman, Adam was in a deep sleep and took a piece of his rib and made Eve. Adam was sleep while Eve was being created. SO WHAT YOU'RE STILL SINGLE?! Your Adam is still sleeping which means God is still creating you. You're still being perfected. A while ago, I wanted a Godly man, but I wasn't the Godly woman that would complete him. So I started saying.. "Aw, will.. He as form of Godliness... He prays... He's a CEO Church goer (Christmas and Easter Only)... etc. But I had to realize that I have to compromise my standards for man.. then it's clear he isn't the one. SIS, don't compromise your standards for NO MAN. PERIOD. So during this season, allow God to perfect you. Sure, it isn't fun. but it's so necessary. For example, I've been working on my smart mouth. God has shown me in numerous situations that my opinion or words aren't needed. That sometimes it's best to just be quiet and not entertain it. SPEND TIME WITH GOD!!!!  I kid y'all not, when I first started this single season.. I was faithfully trying to find a way to get out of it. I MEANT I was not going to be single. It didn't help to see pictures of couples on Instagram and Twitter and I was sitting there looking like O_O. But as I spent time with God, my desire for him and the THINGS of him grew like crazy. Before I knew it, I was craving GOD and his PRESENCE and NOT some relationship that LOOKS good. Through this, Pinky Promise Troy was birthed. If I would have found some random, this would have never happened.

So to my sister who feels lonely and wondering when you'll find your man, SMILE and remember he's coming to you. Take this time to allow God to work on you. Spend time with him! He will fill any lonely area of your life with his love and peace. Find some friends to spend time with! Get involved in something you enjoy doing. Go on a date with Jesus. It sounds silly, but it's a reason to get cute and go to restaurant or the movies. God loves you sis, remember your worth. <3

here's to no randoms :)
Love youuu.