Monday, March 3, 2014

Lord, Empty me.

Over the past few weeks, my life has been so hectic. I had HUGE anatomy test this past Thursday and needless to say, I was a tad stressed and needed to be refreshed. So I went home this weekend and was able to breathe for a little while. On Sunday as I headed back to school, God told me that it was time to take a break from Twitter. I was like God, you want me to do it today? o_O However I was obedient and removed the app from all my devices. As I laid down Sunday night, I was lead to read Luke 10:2-4. After I read it several times, I finally understood what God was telling me; it's time to let go.

He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Do not take a purse or bad or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road." 

God has a very specific place for all of us. We know that he has great plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11), so we go through life believing and trusting that even though things get rough, God's plans are still great. But do we ever think about how sometimes we make our own journey rough? Sunday night, God told me that he has a specific place for me to go, but I can't keep trying to drag unneeded things on this journey that HE is leading. It's like trying to walk with hundreds of bags in your hand. When you carrying things AND trying to progress forward, it gets tough. The same thing goes for getting where GOD wants you to be. You can't try to carry everything from your past into your future. I have learned that on this journey that I can't take certain friendships with me.Why? Because not everyone understands MY calling. Everyone isn't equipped to go where God is taking me. And I'm not sure who I'm speaking to, but it's okay to distance yourself from certain people. God has already equipped you with everything you need to get to where HE is taking you. All the extra-ness will WEIGH YOU DOWN.

Secondly, you have to check yourself. Sometimes we keep ourselves from moving forward. We're too busy holding on to the fact that we think we CAN'T do it. Just because it looks impossible, doesn't me that it is! Don't trust what you can see, TRUST GOD. PERIOD. I always tell my girls in my Pinky Promise group to check their thoughts! (2 Corinthians 10:5) Make sure what you're thinking LINES UP with what the word says your thoughts should consist of. (Philippians 4:8) Our God is NOT a God of CONFUSION or DOUBT.  I once heard someone say that our imagination is the biggest nation we'll ever fight. When God told me start the Pinky Promise group here at my University, I was like... um yeah, I like the idea and all, but I can't do it. I was a "baby Christian"  and I didn't think that I was "qualified" enough to lead ministry. I was allowing my thoughts to determine how I reacted. "How could go use someone like me?" But in reality, how could he not? I have something that someone needs to here. I am an example of God's love, mercy, and deliverance. Once I got control of those thoughts, I was able to get to this place where I am right now. 

So right now, DROP THE BAGGAGE. Leave it at the feet of Jesus. Get to the place where God wants you to be. His plans for you are SO amazing. Take some time and allow him to show you what you need to EVICT from your life so you can totally available to him (:

"Lord empty me, take out everything not like you, everything in my life not pleasing you, please take it away so I can be all yours." - James Fortune. 

Court. <3.

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