Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Better Days.


 I see people talk about how they are "praying for better days", but still continue to do the same things over and over again. You can't pray for change and not be willing to change. Your surroundings have huge impact you on. If you're hanging around drama and mess, then eventually, you start blending in with your surroundings. You'll always be in the center of mess and secretly wishing you had better friends. Do you not see that it is YOU who needs to change? We're always so quick to tell other people what they should do, but yet and still, we don't even look in the mirror to check ourselves. We blame everyone else for what's going WRONG in our lives. Sis, it's time to go after your better days. Stop WALLOWING in your mess and change up your surroundings. Sometimes, you have to go through a season where you pull away from everything and allow God to do some cleaning. Of course, it doesn't feel good, but it's so necessary.

Don't let your surroundings keep you from where God wants you to be. See, I've learned that we stand in the way of your blessings. We do our OWN thing, in own MESS and the wonder where God is. God can't bless a mess. We create our own storms and then expect God to rescue us from something he NEVER told us to do. When I was living for the world, I would be in relationships and friendships where I would get hurt over and over again. It was like a never ending cycle, hop into a relationship, enjoyed the initial thrill, get hurt, and then do it all over again. Eventually, I had to learn that I was getting into thing God never told me to get into. I was creating my own storm.  We decided to get quiet before the Lord and get my life in order, God started showing not only people I needed to stop associating with, but what I needed to change. Take sometime and allow God to change you. Don't let your pride stand in the way of your blessings. Check your friends and check your surroundings. Surround yourself with people who are serious about their relationship with Christ. Women who are not about mess and drama and just trying to be obedient to Christ.

"Be not deceived,evil communications corrupt good manners." - 1 Corinthians 15:33. 

If your friends can't support your relationship with Christ,encourage to resist temptation and you to do the right things, then it's time to change up your friends. FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS GO TO HELL. So let's choose our friends wisely are the surroundings we allow ourselves to be in. Be spirit lead!!! If you wouldn't take God, then DON'T GO. 

 Love y'all.