Sunday, December 9, 2018

for your glory...

So has much has changed for me this year. God has taken me on a journey that has involved many hills and even a few valleys. Though seasons have changed, one word has stayed on my mind.

E L E V A T I O N. 

YEARS ago, my mentor told me that elevation that requires separation. At the time, I didn't want to hear it, because it was going to mean that I was going to have to give something up and change some things. I was content with where I was. If there was one thing that God has shown me, it's that you can't desire change and expect to go higher in Christ, without being willing to confront areas of your life that need change.

To elevate obviously means to go high or to another level. Who doesn't want to elevate? Elevation is great, but it is the process of getting there that no one wants to endure. We tell God, "I want more, take me higher" but none of us want to go through the process of getting there.  In order to higher, you have to let some things GO. A balloon cannot float higher when it's attached to a brick. As much as it tries, it's not going anywhere. The same concept applies to us, how can we except for God to take us to a new level in him when we have STUFF holding us down.

I remember when I told God that for his Glory, I would do anything.


I don't think we realize what we mean when we sing that song. We're telling God that for his we will DO anything, we will GO through anything,  just to see his name get glory. And for me, that meant elevation. God I'm willing to do anything, I'm willing to give it all up if that means I'm closer to where you are.


I had to stop procrastinating and get to another level in my walk with Christ. So often get saved and we want to stay in the same place. So 2 years later, we're still the same baby Christian with no elevation. As babies get older, their digestive system matures more and can handle more solid foods. Our relationship with Christ should be the same way. We have got to get to a place where we mature in Christ. My journey this far has been a struggle. I can't even lie and say that it isn't difficult being stretched and PRUNED by God. But it HAS to happen.

I want to bear POSITIVE fruit, so if there was anything on me that was not like Christ, then it HAS to go.

Which leads me into letting things go. You can't go higher in Christ with things of the world weighing you down.  You love God, but you still gotta _________ on the side because "it's just too good to give up, God knows my heart." We use these excuses to rationalize the fact that we've placed something before God. YES, you've made it an IDOL. God is a jealous God, he won't have ANYTHING before him. Examine yourself. What's hindering you from elevating? What is it that's keeping you from getting more of God?

Someone, somewhere is depending on YOUR obedience.

One of my favorite songs is Fill Me Up & Overflow by Tasha Cobbs. The song says that if  "You provide the fire, I'll provide the sacrifice." What is it that you're sacrificing? It may not feel good, but you're giving up so that the fire of GOD can live on the inside of you. A fire that can never die. That's the desperation for Christ I want to always have. God I'll give up anything just for you to feel me up with more of you .The song repeats, "Fill me up, God, Fill me up, God." How can God feel you up when you're full of JUNK? Release it all to him and allow him to fill you up with the love you need, with the peace you need, with the joy you want!

Looking at how hard this season has been, I'm seeing how God is getting the glory. I'm seeing how he is being glorified even in seasons of pruning and those dry season where it seems like he can't hear our prayers. If this is what I have to go through in order for someone to see that God will never leave you, and that elevating just means that you're closer to his presence and where he is, then it's worth it. I am a broken vessel before the Lord. Empty to so that he can fill me up and I can pour out to others.

It may not feel good.. but it's worth it.

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