Monday, January 1, 2018

Do it, even when it's HARD.

I know it's been a well over a year since my last blog and many of you probably wondered... what happened to Courtney? Well, I am back y'all... and guess what, I GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE.

The past 5 years, God has shown himself so faithful and I am SO thankful to have been KEPT. There were times that I thought I was going to completely LOSE my mind throughout this nursing program. I remembered one specific moment when I was about 1 second away from dropping everything that had to do with nursing and going back home. But clearly God had a different plan...
One bit of encouragement I want to give to you all as we enter the new year is to be consistent. 

To be totally honest with y'all, my relationship with God was extremely rocky during certain periods of nursing school. I was trading in my quiet time to get and extra hour of studying or to do some review questions. Instead of waking up to pray, I was waking up to study before I even started my day. There were times where I was "all in"  and then there were time were I was actually frustrated with God. 

I remember when I had to repeat a class, I was so upset that I questioned God's will for my life. I thought "If nursing was for me, then God would not have let me fail this class." But the truth is, since nursing WAS for me, I had to fail this class. I needed that season of my life to remind that God's plan isn't always the easiest or comfortable. I needed to be reminded that delayed is NOT denied.  This was all in God's plan. His CRAZY, yet AMAZING plan. 

The season where I had to repeat a class was named "Grow where you're planted".  (I don't normally name seasons of my life, but for some reason I kept seeing that phrase everywhere). That season taught me what real consistency looks and feels like. I could have just went with my original plan and quit nursing school, but I chose to be GROW in my purpose, even though it hurt. I chose to remain consistent with the course that God placed me on.

I grew SO close to God during that season and I can tell you that the prayers prayed during that time had a LONG - LASTING effect on my time in nursing school. Now, was it easy working two jobs, retaking a class, and still having to go to clincals? Absolutely NOT. But, because I had accountability, it made it a little more easy to be consistent in my time with God.  I learned that even though I don't FEEL like praying, or reading my bible, that I have to fight past it to get what I need from God. We can't allow the enemy to distract us with temporary feelings. There is always a blessing on the other side of obedience. We can't be upset when we don't hear from God when we don't even spend time with him. 

the Tuesday Night crew... SO anointing in this room 

SO this 2018, be consistent. Give God HIS time. The answer to your issue/situation is in his presence. NOT an inspirational YouTube Video, or a book/blog, or a tweet. Here are some of the tips that help me currently,

1. Be flexible with your time that you spend with God. If you have a busy/unpredictable schedule, pick a time that works for you where you're not rushed. 
2. Find a plan/study guide that works for you. I prefer topical plans because they relate to what I'm going through. I typically write out/study scriptures that relate what I am going through.
3. Get a journal! 
4. Get alone/ without distractions.
5. Get a partner or group of friends that will genuinely hold you accountable. ACCOUNTABILITY is MAJOR KEY.  

Update -- In a couple of weeks, I will be doing another prayer challenge! This will be great opportunity be consistent with your time with God and have accountability.  
Stay tuned for dates (:

Feels good to be blogging again.
Love you, all.

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