Sunday, April 3, 2016

idk, heaven or hell...

In the past few months, I've seen rest in peace more times than I can count. I've seen young people (a lot of them younger than me) shot, killed in accidents, killed in terrorist attacks, and the list goes on. Each time I see a new post, I always ask , I wonder if they where living for Christ? I wonder if they died knowing that without a shadow of a doubt, they would go to Heaven.

So now I ask you the question, if you died right now, where would you go? Heaven or Hell?

It's question we've probably all have been asked once in our life, but how many times have you asked yourself this? Where are you going?

Hell is a real place. It's so real that people are dying and going there every second. See, when we stand before the Lord, either he will say, well done my good and faithful servant, or depart from me, I never knew you. The last thing you ever want to hear, is God deny you. There will be a day where Sunday school, bible study, prayer meetings, volunteer work, and all those good things won't matter. Were you obedient to the word of God and pursue him? Or were you selfish and pursued sin? See you can do all those things and still go to Hell. Why? Because all that stuff is good, but if you're still pursuing YOUR will over GOD'S WILL then, what good is it doing? There are not enough good deeds or volunteer hours, or church events, to put you in Heaven. It's your acceptance of Jesus into your heart and your obedience to his word that gets you there.

Jesus told them, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the father except through me. " (John 14:6)

I saw a post today, that said (paraphrasing) just because you say RIP about someone, doesn't put them in Heaven. If your friend, family, etc. was living outside the will of God, they are in a real place called Hell. -- And a much as we don't won't to believe that, it's the truth. Not everyone that dies, is going to Heaven.

So back to the question, where are you going?

So what am I saying? Pursue Christ, not sin. Sin is NOT worth it. No sin is worth being separated from Christ. I mean, can you image not having access to Christ? We can all die at any moment and Christ can show up at any moment. It's time out for games. Yes, you go church and you listen to gospel music sometimes, but what is your life like outside of church?

We cannot continue to SIN and then expect to go to Heaven.

It's time out for dabbing in sin and praising on Sunday. It's time out for doing what we want because it's our life. We're dealing with Heaven and Hell. When you're living in sin and outside the will of God, it's tiring. Stop running and rest. Stop allowing pride, stubbornness and laziness to keep you from elevating in Christ. Remember, to know right and do wrong is a SIN. (James 4:17)
. You can't stay where you are, you gotta MOVE. If you're not growing your dying.

Pray for your unsaved friends. Friends don't let friends die without knowing Christ. Be an example of how God can ANYONE from ANYTHING. Don't think you're too far out. Some of you have powerful testimonies that God is ready for you to reveal.

So tonight, answer the question.
If you died in your sleep, you would know without a shadow of a doubt that you would go to heaven?
If not, ask Jesus back into your heart, repent of your sin, and start pursuing Christ. As long as you're still breathing, it's never too late.

Jesus died for you,(John 3:16)
live for him. Hell was never a place that was made for you.

I'm here if you ever need to talk,
Here's to fresh start and really living for Christ.



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