Sunday, June 26, 2016

Yes, I'm STILL in college.

Dear Student that's STILL in college,

If you're like me, you're over the fact that you're still in college. You're over the fact that when you look up, half your friends are about to graduate (or have graduated) and you're still a year (or more) a way. You're over the thousands you've accumulated over the past few years only to be reminded that you're STILL not done yet. We get it, I get it. But guess what, it's not the end of the world.

the calling on your life is worth fighting for. so FIGHT. 

"Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses." - 1 Timothy 6:12

We all go to college with this mentality that we're going to finish undergrad in 4 years. In my case, I was going to finish in this year. Fall 2016. Well.. I'm not and I'm becoming okay with that. The goal is to finish. This isn't a race. This isn't a competition. You have to work at your own pace.

SO here are some tips I have for those of us still in college...

1. Stop beating yourself up. You're not a failure. It's okay that you're still working on your degree and chances are, you're alot closer than you think and if you give up now, you WILL regret it. Don't down yourself just because it's taking you longer. 

2. Some degree programs take a little longer than others... So if you're you like me and you've chosen a major such as nursing or some type of health major, you're probably won't finish in exactly 4 years. It's just the way the course work it set up and if they don't offer summer classes, or if your financial situation doesn't allow your to take extra hours in a semester, then it will take you longer. AND THAT'S OKAY. 

3. Jeremiah 29:11 says "I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to give you hope and a future." God has YOUR future in HIS hands. We have to trust his timing and not ours. Regardless of the plans we make for ourselves, if they don't line up with what God has.. they really don't matter. I had dreams of being nurse by 2017, with my specialty certification by 2018 and now those plans have been shifted. But who knows what God is doing... He could be saving the perfect job offer for me when it's time, the perfect teacher, etc. I'm learning to trust his time, even when it doesn't make sense.

4. You're not behind. Honestly, it's okay that you're still in college. You're working on the rest of your life and you can't up a time on that. It's okay that you're friends are graduating and moving on. It's great actually. Celebrate with them and then refocus. Your time is coming.

5. So maybe you changed your major a few times... 
I use to be like DANG why are people still changing their major this late in the game. Now, I totally understand it. You can't spend all this time and money getting a degree for something you don't absolutely love. You're going to be doing this for the rest of your life. Make it count. 

6.  YOUR TIME IS COMING. God hasn't forgotten about you. Neither has your school. You're going to graduate. Even if it takes you longer. Even if you've got to put in a little extra work to get there. The key is not giving up. Sooner than later, this will be a memory for you to reflect on. Don't get distracted and don't get discouraged. Remember that you are positioned for such a time as this.