Last day clinicals with our instructor. (she was God sent) |
I heard a sermon today that really stuck with me about living for Christ. Y'all know living for Christ AINT easy, but it's so necessary. So lets discuss this thang...
See it's time out for the feel good messages. You know the ones we like about how our blessings are on the way and all that. Granted, there is NOTHING wrong with that, but it's time we've graduated from those feel good messages and to those uncomfortable, CONVICTING messages. If you look at the news or even glance at social media, you see all the horrible things taking place in America and all over the world. Earthquakes, floods, blood moons, murders, and the list goes on. If we take a look in the word, we see that God said these things would happen in the end times. (See Matthew 24)
Jesus is coming back, SOON and we can't afford to be caught slippin' in these last days, y'all. The word says he will come like a "thief in the night" (1 Thessalonians 5:2 ) . The words says that we are to be ALERT and of a SOBER MIND because the our ENEMY the DEVIL is prowling around like a LION seeking for SOMEONE to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Have y'all ever seen a lion that is hungry and strategic it is when it is hunting for food. It looks for the weakest or smallest animal in a heard, it looks for the one animal that is just out itself not aware of the evil that is lurking around it. That's how the enemy is looking for someone to get. He's looking for that one person that hasn't really been in the word like they're supposed to. He's looking for that one person who has their mind filled with worldly things. He's looking for a person that's ALMOST living right. But don't get distracted my brother or sister, don't get caught slippin. Your armor of God should be on in full gear the when the enemy sees you, he has to turn around because he knows he can't get you that way.
Being a child of God is more than just quoting scriptures, retweeting and liking "Godly" posts, and going to church on Sunday. Being a child of God is confessing that Jesus is Lord and believing that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). We cannot call ourselves children of God and live like this world. We CAN'T. The bible said that we are to be SET APART (Romans 12:2)! People should see something different in us ! It's time out for playing Christian. We love the Lord, but we still do what we want. We still get high, we still have sex, we still get drunk, we still lust, we still willingly sin, and then suddenly expect to be included in the will of God. Living for Christ is all or nothing. Either we let him rule all or nothing at all. We can't pick and choose when and what days we're gonna be Christian.
Sin is so fatal (see my older post, the fatal root) and God didn't die for us to die in sin and live kinda right. Living almost right is living wrong. You don't almost fail a test, either you passed or you didn't. We have got to start living for Christ wholeheartedly. The sun is starting to set... time is winding down, we don't much time left to be running around here living almost right.
So, I know this wasn't the pleasant blog you were expecting lol. But it was really on my heart to share this. Just know that you don't have to do this alone.
Courtney Briana.
P4CM - Almost Saved.