In January, I planned my entire future out. I was going to graduate from one of the BEST nursing schools in the state in May 2017, work in an ER for a year, and then go back to school to get my masters and certification. It was perfect and it was gonna go just like that. Well this week, I found out I didn't pass one of my classes, pushing me back an entire semester. For three days I cried. I was angry, I was disappointed, etc. WHY did this happen? I did everything right. I studied, I read, and I still failed. Some days later, I reached a place of absolute peace and contentment and God revealed a few things to me.
One of my favorite quotes is "Grow where you're planted". Maybe this was an opportunity to grow in a place where I didn't plan to be planted. Sometimes God will uproot us just so that we are where HE needs us to be. Nothing is more painful than growing in a place you where never meant to grow. I tell God all the time that for his glory I will do anything, and in this case it meant being uprooted and uncomfortable. I could have easily gave up and said "Oh, it's just not meant to be." But the truth is, it was meant to be. This is my calling... therefore nothing will hinder me from me doing that. It may not happen when I wanted it to happen, but it will happen in his time. I think sometime we get to consumed with the timing of things that we sort of forget that God is the author of time. We're so concerned with when we're going to get married, graduate, have kids, get a job, etc. that we forget to embrace and be thankful for the season we're in now. Each season of our life is essential to get to the next season, therefore, we have to learn and pass the tests in the season so we can get through the next.
In Daniel 3:18, King Nebuchadnezzar was trying to get Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to bow down and worship their God or else to they would get thrown into the fiery furnace. The three men told them that their God would deliver them from the fiery furnace, but even if he doesn't... they still would worship HIM. God is still good, He is still perfect. His ways are perfect and his timing is perfect. Even though this happened, he is still good and I trust his timing over mine. I had to be intentional about not allowing the enemy to discourage me away from my purpose.
So at the end of that day, I know that I am positioned for such a time as this. I know that God placed me in this place for my good and his Glory. I'm so at peace and I know that his is doing great things. I thank God for wrecking my plans and showing my he loves me. I thank God for allowing me to grow more in this season. Most of all, I'm thankful for the people that God has placed in my life in this season. From the teachers that are cheering for me in my corner, to the friends that have held me while I cried, and encouraged me when I was down. God is so strategic about the people he places in our lives. Forever grateful.
Live purposefully, God has a plan.
Romans 8:18.