“Nevertheless when one
turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and
where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” – 2 Corinthians 3:16-17.
My relationship with God is like a marriage. Just as wives
should submit to their husband, I submit to Christ (boy, is that tough). I've been in the season that is like pruning and preparation. God is preparing me for this next season of my life, and just like in school, I have to go through test to make sure that I am prepared to move on. Well, we all know that tests are NOT easy. Some are, but it seems like the ones that I have been going through are TOUGH. None the less, God revealed something to me this morning about this season of my life and why I'm still the girl behind the veil.
So God kinda spoke to me in two ways today. For the past few days, I've been waking up and feeling DOWN. There are times were I don't even want to get out of bed. I could not figure out WHY I was feeling this way. I wasn't depressed, or unhappy.. so what was it?! This morning I was feeling super sick and couldn't make it to church. I laid in bed and just listened to my worship music. Trying to find peace for my uneasiness. God very quickly revealed that I was allowing the enemy access to into my mind. I have very bad anxiety. I just don't rest well when I have things on my mind. My anxiety lately has been through the rough with school, some little health problems, and just life. I just was weary. My spirit was tired. The enemy gains entry into our mind when we forget or fail to believe that God is able. GOD IS ABLE. He's not an inconsistent God, he's not man that he should LIE. We sure a God that is able to more than we could ever ask or imagine. He is ABLE. I can recall those mornings where I woke up feeling down, I went to sleep worrying about the same things I had just prayed about. I had convinced myself that I gave it God, but I was still trying to handle it. How could I forget that God was able?
I've been listening to a group called WorshipMob and there was section of the a song where one of the members quoted that "thank you Jesus for removing the veil that separated us for God." Today, as I was listening to that song, I realized that I was pulling the veil back over my eyes. My anxiety was trying separate me from Christ. I say trying because it did not and WILL not succeed. God's peace hit me like a ton a bricks today and he reminded me that he is God.. he is ABLE. So today, the veil was lifted again and never again will allow anxiety to anything else to steal my peace. I feel amazing now.
So why am I sharing this? I'm glad you asked!!! (: My question to you is, are you still the girl behind the veil? See, when we accepted Christ into our hearts, the spirit of the living God came on the inside of us; and where the spirit of the Lord is... there IS freedom. Freedom from everything. That veil is now TORN. You are free from worry, sin, anxiety, whatever it is!! Sis, RELEASE IT. It's not ours anymore. You don't have to worry anymore! We are truly free.
So, no matter what you're going through, no matter how big or how small... remember that God can do it. God WILL do it. To my sis who is worrying, give it over to God. Truly surrender it all to him and watch the peace that he will give you instead.
Allow God to give you beauty for ashes.
Jesus lovess youuu,
Need prayer? To talk? I'm always here :)
email me at cfrance05@gmail.com