I don’t know about y’all, but lately I’ve been so tired.
Straight up, exhausted! However, the Lord spoke to me earlier and told me that
I needed to blog on SEASONS and the one I have recently entered.
I’ve entered into this quiet season of my life where it
seems like God has me on the DND mode. Not get me wrong, I KNOW that God isn’t
ignoring me, it just feels like not really talking to me much. This season
begin probably about a month ago. Once school ended and I conquered a pretty
tough class thing were going great. Then it seemed like God just kinda got
quiet. During this time I had a few pretty good quiet times but then it seemed
like I just wasn’t getting the same feeling once it was over. I thought over and over what I could be doing
wrong. Was it the version of the bible I was reading? Was it the way and time I
chose to have quiet time? WHAT WAS IT?! All while this is going on, I had a
tough decision to make and attacks from enemy were finding me left and right. I
really needed to hear from God but it seemed like he was hiding from me.
I was reminded last night that I asked for this season. Now, I didn’t say “Lord, make things hard for
me and then ignore me when I pray.” I
asked God to teach me to trust him. A
few months ago, he showed me that I didn’t fully trust him and of course, I
needed to work on that. On May 24th, I wrote in my journal,“ Lord, teach me to
trust you just as Abraham did with his only son. I want to be so deeply in love
and focused on you that I’d do anything for you. Strip me of anything that is
distracting. Increase and I will decrease." I just want more of God.
That was it. God is giving me exactly what I asked for. I asked him to help me learn to to trust him and that is what he is doing. I was lead to read Genesis 22 and the story of Abraham and Isaac. God told Abraham
to sacrifice his only son. Abraham was
obedient and took his son to the place where God told him about and just as he
was about to slay his son, and angel appeared and said “Abraham! Abraham! Do
not lay a hand on the boy, do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear
the God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”
(Genesis 22:11-12) He trusted God. He trusted God with everything in him.
After reading the story, I realized that I need to take the
limits off God. I needed to remove the boundaries and trust him every area of my life. As I progress through this
season, I can’t help but be thankful. Thankful that even though things are far
from perfect and I may feel a little lost, God is teaching me to trust him,
even though I can’t trace him. I could have easily gone back to my old
lifestyle when this test came over me. I could have easily called my best
friend and complained, or got on twitter and gone on a rant. But instead, I’m
taking this as a learning experience. I am choosing to pass this test and draw closer to him. And
don’t get me wrong, this is NOT easy. Going through trials are not supposed to
be fun. But I have a decision, I can either pout or praise. I can let the enemy trick me and fall into
his lies or can praise God despite how crazy things may seem. And as
much I feel weary and tired, sis, I am reminded in Galatians 6 that I will reap a harvest if I don’t give up.
much I feel weary and tired, sis, I am reminded in Galatians 6 that I will reap a harvest if I don’t give up.
So sis, if you’re in the same season as I am, keep pressing
through this quiet season with me. Perhaps God is teaching you to trust him. As crazy as it may sound, God is still here.
Even now as I’m writing, I feel his presence. Don’t think for moment that he
has left you. Don’t think that he is ignoring you. I see quotes all the time
that says “teachers are always quiet during tests.” And it's true. Eventually, we’re gonna
have to pass these test on our own and stop relying on others to help get us
through. It’s easy to say you trust God
when everything is great! Rent paid, boyfriend is great, family is good, grades
good, etc. But can say it and MEAN it
when all hell is breaking lose in your life? Can you say it when your family is
falling apart, friendships are diminishing, your money is funny, etc.?
Ask God to teach you
to trust him. Learn to leave it all in his hands. Stop worrying. This season is necessary. We MUST go through in order to get the next season. Don't rush it, don't try to avoid it, just trust God through it. Trust the process.